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Campaigns and Lobbying


For more information about how to get involved in our lobbying and campaigning, contact NFSP Public Affairs Manager, Ruth Buckley-Salmon by emailing:

DVLA campaign


The Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) contract with the Post Office was due to expire in March 2024. This loss is one of many issues which will result in the closure of post offices across the UK.


Why is this important?

Six million people use the Post Office network to access DVLA services per year. Half use cash as a payment method, linked to the cost of living crisis. As banks exit the High Street and communities across the UK, there is a growing requirement for a national infrastructure that can provide vulnerable customers with essential face to face services. The existing network of privately-owned small businesses that make up the Post Office is the obvious solution to support these vulnerable groups.



In the summer of 2023, the NFSP launched a petition campaign to prevent Government removing DVLA services from the Post Office from April 2024. 


Campaign toolkit

To support the campaign we put together a toolkit to help postmasters to get involved and spread the word. 


Downing Street

The signed petitions were presented to Downing Street on Thursday 2 November by four Postmasters, the NFSP CEO and Public Affairs Manager, and Marion Fellows MP. You can read more about it here. 



On 18 December 2023, it was announced that the Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and Post Office Ltd (PO) have signed an extension to their contract. Read more about it here


Restrictions policy

Restrictions Policy

The Restrictions Policy is a clause that resides in every postmaster’s contract, which prohibits postmasters from transacting any work that conflicts with products and services that Post Office Ltd (POL) provide. When the clause was put in place, it included no timeline or review process, which resulted in the policy being undebated for years  

During the 2023 annual NFSP Conference, the Restrictions Policy was debated amongst members. The debate raised some serious questions as to what the network would look like without the policy in place, and what sort of entrepreneurial freedom it would bring to postmasters.  



Postmaster remuneration has been decreasing in line with inflation and the cost of living. 70% of recent members report earning the equivalent to the National Minimum Wage or less. To highlight how this impacts on the state and viability of the network, the NFSP regularly meets with government and stakeholders to highlight this issue using insights gained from our monthly remuneration survey.



Following the closure of the Network Transformation programme in 2018, PO now hold a Hard to Place (HtP) register which covers offices that have not found a Potential New Postmaster (PNP) due to location, declining footfall and low remuneration etc.

These HtP offices receive a fixed remuneration from PO and have a year-to-year agreement to continue with this. The NFSP pushes to extend this agreement every year while highlighting the state of limbo faced by HtP postmasters.

Government services

Government services

Government services have been consistently taken from post office counters over recent years, despite being called ‘the front office of government’ in the past. Without these footfall drivers, customer visits have been declining year on year (20 million customers per week in 2020, now down to around 10 million per week).

Remuneration for most PO services barely covers the time, therefore independent business are ‘propping up’ a wholly government-owned business. Recent research found that 75% of respondents believe that their retail side subsidises their post office business.

To ensure network viability for the future, we need footfall drivers, and these include government services. The NFSP regularly asks government to bring  services such as one-year passports and driving licences back to the counter.

Reduced Banking Deposit Limits

Reduced Banking Deposit Limits

Business cash deposit limits, set inline with  Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) recommendations, have recently been reduced by a number of banks. These limits impact on the amount personal and business banking customers can deposit at post office counters, with bank communications pointing towards their local bank branch as an alternative.

However, following a long-term bank branch closure programme, numerous branches that have closed, with many more are scheduled to close over the coming months.

Many smaller businesses are located in areas without a local bank branch, therefore often the businesses will need to reduce the amount of cash they themselves accept, with in turn impacts on the local area’s access to cash, or transport the cash themselves which raises security concerns.

For a complete briefing on how we are campaigning about this issue, please see HERE.

Support our campaigns

  • To write to your local MP, please find a template letter HERE
  • For a letter for you to give/email to your customers so that they can write to their MP to show their support, please find a letter HERE
  • For a letter for you to give/email you local business so that they can write to their MP to show their support, please find a letter HERE
  • If you are unsure who your local MP is, you can find out HERE.


Take That Step campaign

A campaign to encourage the public to avoid buying online postage and to visit their local post office.  

We want to encourage customers in your local area to buy postage stamps from post offices instead of online. We also want to highlight the sense of community and vital services that your business brings to your local area.  

For further information on the campaign please read our explainer article

Get involved 

We’ve put together a campaign toolkit full of resources to help you get involved.  

These materials can be downloaded and put up in your branch or can be shared on your social media channels. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #loveyourlocalpostoffice: 

 View our campaign toolkits HERE

Get involved



If you would like to alert your local community via the local press, of letters sent to your MP or issues facing the network, please email who will be happy to help


We would encourage members to post the PDF versions of letters sent to MPs on their social media so customers are aware and can actively engage in calling for change and support for postmasters. If you would like any social media advice or support, please email


View here to read the NFSP’s submission for the Access to High Street Banking in Wales. 
