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Horizon Inquiry: 16,000 people urged to share experiences of Post Office Ltd

Jul 15, 2024 |

Researchers commissioned by the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry will this week contact up to 16,000 people to ask them to share experiences of Post Office Ltd (PO) via two anonymous surveys.

Those eligible to take part in the two surveys include every current UK postmaster and compensation applicant under the Horizon Shortfall Scheme. They will receive an email from YouGov, an independent research and data analytics firm, containing a unique link to participate in the surveys.

Inquiry Chair Sir Wyn Williams has secured agreement from PO that they will waive without prejudice legal privilege specifically for these surveys. This means everyone can share their experiences when completing the surveys without fear of legal repercussions.  

Findings from the research will be presented as evidence during the Inquiry’s final phase, Phase 7, and will inform Sir Wyn's findings and recommendations.  

Phase 7 is due to start in mid-September and will examine how PO operates today. It will also investigate whether PO has lived up to its commitment of “full and fair compensation.”

Sir Wyn said: "Human stories are at the heart of this Inquiry. As will be obvious by now, and as I have said from time to time, I have been deeply affected by the accounts of hardship and suffering endured by many.  

"I urge all those who are contacted to complete the surveys, and I offer my heartfelt thanks now to all those who take the time and trouble to do so."

Further details, and a recording of Sir Wyn’s announcement, are available HERE.
